Bath CYP Psychology Service
Clinical Psychology Service for Children, Young People and Parents

Psychological therapy helps children to cope with difficulties such as anxiety and depression

Psychological therapy helps children to cope with difficulties such as anxiety and depression

Psychological therapy helps children to cope with difficulties such as anxiety and depression

Psychological therapy helps children to cope with difficulties such as anxiety and depression
Other services available
In addition to direct assessment and therapy work, there are a number of other services available:
Supervision is available to other psychologists, therapists and trainees.
Supervision is provided by experienced Clinical Psychologists with additional training and qualifications in supervision.
Specialist CBT supervision is available.
Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Consultation can help other professionals in health, education or social care to develop their knowledge and practice of psychological theories and techniques in working with children and young people.
Psychological consultation can also be helpful to consider systemic issues within teams.
Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Teaching and training
Teaching and training can be offered in a wide range of areas relevant to working psychologically with children and young people.
Please contact us to discuss your needs.
Group work
Group work with siblings or parents can also be arranged.
Clinical Psychologists within the service are experienced in developing and facilitating groups.
Please contact us to discuss your needs.